Tuesday, June 12, 2007

One Word Survey: As Kimmah said "if you read it, you must answer it--either in comments or on your blog. even if you've already done it, dammit. play along, play along. "

1. Where is your cell phone? counter

2. You're single/taken? taken

3. Your hair? wet

4. Your mother? dead

5. Your father? remarried

6. Your favorite thing? Hippos!

7. Your dream last night? none

8. Your favorite drink? Dr.Pepper

9. Your dream car? Honda

10. The room you're in? office

11. Your ex? none

12. Your fear? skydiving

13. Where were you last night? alone

14. what you're not? thin

15. Muffins? poppyseed

16. One of your wish list items? largerhome

17. The last thing you did? teleconferenced

18.What are you wearing? pajamas

19. Your pet or pets? Milo

20. Your computer? Dell

21. Your life? great

22. Your mood? hassled

23. Missing some one? Hubby

24. Your car? Suburban

25. Your work? Part-time

26.Like someone? children

27. Your favorite color? coral

28. When is the last time you laughed real hard? WildHogs

29. Crush's first name? Michael (see last post)

30. Dream job? ummm.. ?


Silvergirl said...

I hope you don't mind that I lifted this from your blog and used it on mine.

I hope you are having a great week!

Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

Oh , no problem Silvergirl! I shoulda tagged you for it ! I didn't post it right after I did it, since I'd just done the other post!