Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We Brown Girls...

This little miss got new glasses !

This little miss slept with curlers in her hair...

This little miss isn't sure whether she likes brown hair or not..

For comparison... thoughts anyone??

Bonus points to the first person who knows

where this was taken!


Kim Hacking said...

Cute Little Misses! I like the brown! Don't know where the photo was taken. Lagoon? :)

Smith Family said...

I think you are pretty either way, but being brown myself I like the brown! CUTE GIRLS!

Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

Sorry, Kim - you'd have to be a local to know where it was taken... We went to a place to eat during Oct break last week...

Tummy said...

But which one ate the porridge!? They're cuties.

I like both. When winter is over you could add highlights.

Robin said...

The picture is at Joe's Farm Grill!!!

Mom2BJM(Amy) said...

Yeay Robin! Sweet Potato fries were on my mind, so off we went!